When May I join a Medicare Advantage or Drug Plan?
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enrollment periods
You can only join, switch, or drop a Medicare Advantage Plan (Part C) or Medicare drug plan (Part D) at certain times, called enrollment periods.
Enrollment period:
You can:
Coverage starts:
Initial Enrollment Period (IEP) - This is your first chance to enroll in Original Medicare.
Starts 3 months before you get Medicare and ends 3 months after you get Medicare.
Join any plan.
You need both Part A and Part B to join a Medicare Advantage Plan.
You need either Part A or Part B to join a Medicare drug plan.
Varies, depending on when the plan gets your request:
If you request to join a plan before your Medicare starts: Your plan coverage starts the same day as when your Medicare starts.
If you request to join a plan after your Medicare starts: Your plan coverage starts the first of the month after the plan gets your request.
Initial Coverage Enrollment Period (ICEP) – If you’re newly eligible for Medicare and wish to enroll in an MA (Part C) plan, this is your chance.
The 3 months before your Part B starts.
Join any Medicare Advantage Plan with or without drug coverage.
The same day as when your Part B coverage starts.
Open Enrollment Period
October 15-December 7.
Join, drop, or switch to another Medicare Advantage Plan (or add or drop drug coverage).
Switch from Original Medicare to a Medicare Advantage Plan.
Join a Medicare drug plan if you're in Original Medicare.
Switch from one Medicare drug plan to another if you're in Original Medicare
January 1 of the next year.
Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period
(only if you’re already in a Medicare Advantage Plan)
January 1-March 31.
Within the first 3 months you get Medicare.
Switch to another Medicare Advantage Plan with or without drug coverage.
Drop your Medicare Advantage Plan and go back to Original Medicare.
Join a Medicare drug plan.
First of the month after the plan gets your request.
Special Enrollment Period
Varies. Only for certain situations that happen in your life, like moving to a new address, losing or changing your current coverage, getting Medicaid or get Extra Help paying drugs costs, and more. Learn more about Special Enrollment Periods.
Generally, you can join or switch to another plan.
Varies. Generally, the first of the month after the plan gets your request.
Other times when you can join a health or drug plan
What Can I do?
Coverage begins:
I'm newly eligible for Medicare because I have a disability (under 65).
Sign up for a Medicare Advantage Plan or a Medicare drug plan.
If you join during one of the 3 months before you first get Medicare, your coverage begins the first day of your 25th month of entitlement to Social Security or Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) disability benefits
If you join during your 25th month of getting disability, your coverage begins the first day of the month after you ask to join the plan
If you join during one of the 3 months after your 25th month of getting disability, your coverage begins the first day of the month after you ask to join the plan
I'm already eligible for Medicare because of a disability, and I turned 65.
Switch from your current Medicare Advantage Plan or Medicare drug plan to another plan.
Drop a Medicare Advantage Plan or a Medicare drug plan completely.
If you were eligible for Medicare because of a disability before age 65, you’ll have another Initial Enrollment Period based on age.
If you join during one of the 3 months before you turn 65, your coverage begins the first day of the month you turn 65
If you join during the month you turn 65, your coverage begins the first day of the month after you ask to join the plan
If you join during one of the 3 months after you turn 65, your coverage begins the first day of the month after you ask to join the plan
Note: If you sign up for a Medicare Advantage Plan during this time, you can drop that plan any time during the next 12 months and go back to Original Medicare.
I don't have Part A, and I signed up for Part B during the General Enrollment Period (January 1–March 31).
Sign up for a Medicare drug plan.
If you join April 1-June 30, your coverage begins July 1.
I have Part A coverage, and I signed up for Part B during the General Enrollment Period (January 1–March 31).
Sign up for a Medicare Advantage Plan (with or without drug coverage).
If you join the 3 months before your Part B starts, your coverage will start the same day as when your Part B coverage starts.
I’m losing my coverage because my plan stopped participating in Medicare.
Choose another plan between October 15–December 7.
You’ll also have a special right to join another Medicare plan until the last day in February.
If you choose another plan between October 15–December 7, or from December 8-December 31, your coverage will begin January 1.
If you choose another plan in January, coverage begins February 1.
If you choose another plan in February, coverage begins March 1.
You may have the right to buy certain Medigap policies within 63 days after your plan coverage ends.
I'm losing my SNP coverage because I no longer meet the special conditions served by the plan.
The grace period is at least one month long, but plans can choose to have a longer grace period. If you lose eligibility for the plan, you'll have a Special Enrollment Period to make another choice.
This Special Enrollment Period starts when your Medicare SNP notifies you that you're no longer eligible for the plan.
It continues during the plan's grace period, and if you're disenrolled from the plan at the end of the grace period, it continues for 2 months after your coverage ends.
It's very important to review your coverage options at this time to make sure you continue to have the Medicare health and prescription drug coverage you want.
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